Gluten-Free Enjoyment, Health in Every Bite

Delicious and Gluten-Free: The Best Choices for Your Health


Declaration and Consent Confirmation Text Regarding Personal Data

Declaration and Consent Approval Text Regarding Personal Data

In commercial transactions and consumer transactions (purchase-sale agreements, invoicing, product delivery, product return, communication of complaints and requests and all other transactions) conducted with Gluten Free Factory (“{SellerName}”), during the signing of a contract between the parties and/or during the execution of the work and transactions within the scope of the contract between the parties, some of your personal information is requested from you or obtained during the ongoing relationship in order to provide better service, improve communication with you, understand your needs and interests, and in this context, your personal information is collected, used and transferred to third parties and/or organizations when necessary after providing sufficient information and obtaining your consent.

All information mentioned within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, including Identity Information (name, surname, gender, age), Contact Information (address, telephone, e-mail), Financial Information, invoice information, credit card or bank information, other information originating from commercial relations or consumer contracts, education information, photograph, and without limitation, including special personal data (Special personal data of the personal data owner other than their health and sexual life; data related to race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, appearance and dress, association, foundation or union membership, criminal conviction and security measures, and biometric and genetic data) are considered as personal data.

As a company, all personal data included in the documents listed above are used before, during or after the relationship between the parties for the purposes of fulfilling obligations within the scope of the commercial relationship or consumer contracts in question, fulfilling rights and obligations arising from the Law on Consumer Protection, establishing distance consumption contracts, determining areas of interest of consumers or merchants, providing better service in this regard, delivery and return of products purchased at the point of established purchase-sale contracts, evaluating and resolving all requests and complaints, providing feedback on this issue when necessary, meeting customer demands, fulfilling invoice and payment transactions, delivering products to relevant persons in accordance with their physical characteristics, providing the opportunity for installment payments and, without being limited to these, making the necessary legal notifications to Tax Offices, Courthouses and other institutions, transferring both telephone information and address information to carrier companies for product delivery and return, communicating between the parties via e-mail and for such purposes.

All these personal data are processed within the scope of the purposes specified above, and can be used internally by the Company, as well as transferred and shared with our business partners, group companies, affiliated offices, performance assistants and subsidiaries, business partners and other necessary persons, institutions and organizations (especially manufacturers, providers and manufacturing companies, and transportation/cargo companies) domestically and abroad. Your personal data is shared with these third parties only by taking all measures regarding your data security in order to perform transactions on behalf of our company.

Your collected personal data is processed in accordance with the law and rules of honesty, accurately and up-to-date when necessary, with specific, clear and legitimate purposes, within the framework of the principles of being connected to the purpose for which they are processed, limited and proportionate, and is not used other than the activities specified in this approval form.

Your personal data will be stored only for the purposes specified in this declaration and consent approval form and/or in additional information to be received with your approval in the future, and for the necessary period in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law.

We would like to remind you that you have the right to learn whether your personal data has been processed, to request information about the processing of your personal data if it has been processed, to learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether it has been used in accordance with its purpose, to request correction of the data if it has been processed incompletely or incorrectly, and to request other rights within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. You can exercise these rights by filling out the form on the Data Owner Application Form page and using the methods specified in the application form.

I have read and understood the “Declaration and Consent Form Regarding Personal Data” detailed above. I hereby consent to the collection, use, processing of my personal data within the framework of the information provided above, including but not limited to affiliates, offices, business partners, I hereby expressly and voluntarily accept the transfer of my personal data to third parties, institutions and organizations abroad, within the framework of the rules set forth in Article 9 of the KVKK.

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