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Chickpea Flour

Chickpea flour has taken its place in our kitchens as an increasingly popular food ingredient in recent years. Thanks to its gluten-free structure, it offers an ideal alternative especially for celiac patients and individuals with gluten intolerance. In addition, its nutritional properties come to the fore with its high protein and fiber content. Chickpea flour has a wide range of uses, not only for a healthy life, but also for those who want to try delicious and different recipes. It can be used in many dishes such as soups, breads, desserts and even vegan omelettes.
Chickpea flour has taken its place in our kitchens as an increasingly popular food ingredient in recent years. Thanks to its gluten-free structure, it offers an ideal alternative especially for celiac patients and individuals with gluten intolerance. In addition, its nutritional properties come to the fore with its high protein and fiber content. Chickpea flour has a wide range of uses, not only for a healthy life, but also for those who want to try delicious and different recipes. It can be used in many dishes such as soups, breads, desserts and even vegan omelettes.

Glütensiz Nohut Unu Nedir? 

Nohut unu, nohutun öğütülmesi ile elde edilen bir çeşit undur. Diğer baklagillerde olduğu gibi nohut da besin değeri açısından oldukça zengindir. Nohut unu özellikle; lif, bitkisel protein, B kompleks vitaminleri içermesi sebebiyle glütensiz beslenen kişilere hem sağlıklı hem de glütensiz bir alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Nohut unu; kraker, hamur işi, sos ve çorba yapımında kullanılabilir. 
Nohut unu; OrtaDoğu ve Akdeniz mutfağında yaygın biçimde kullanılır. Hem lezzetli hem de sağlıklı yiyecekler hazırlamak isteyenler için doğru bir alternatif olacaktır. 

Benefits of Chickpea Flour  
Chickpea is a legume that is very rich in nutritional value. It is especially rich in essential amino acids. In addition to minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium; It also contains vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin and thiamine. 
When used with other grains; With the right combination, nutritional value and bioavailability increases. Chickpeas and flour obtained from chickpeas can also be included in nutrition programs designed to prevent type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. 
 Chickpea flour benefits are listed below.
  • Chickpea flour is an ideal flour alternative for celiac patients and individuals with gluten intolerance, thanks to its gluten-free structure. 
    Its high protein content, which supports muscle growth, makes chickpea flour an excellent choice for vegetarian and vegan diets.
    Chickpea flour, rich in fiber, supports the digestive system and provides a feeling of fullness for a long time.
    Thanks to its low glycemic index, it keeps blood sugar balanced and prevents sudden sugar increases.
    Chickpea flour is a nutritious source, containing important vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, folate and vitamin B6.
    The healthy fats and fiber it contains can help protect heart health.
    Chickpea flour is easy to digest, making it a suitable option for those with sensitive stomachs.
How Many Calories in Chickpea Flour? 
There are 342 calories in 100 grams of chickpea flour. It contains 17.8 g of fiber, which meets more than half of our daily fiber needs. At the same time, it is close to the amount of protein contained in approximately 100 g of meat; It contains 15.5 g of vegetable protein. For this reason, it is a type of flour that can be preferred by plant-based eaters, vegans and vegetarians. 

Does Chickpea Flour Contain Gluten? 
Chickpea flour due to its natural structure; It does not contain gluten, similar to grains such as lentils, buckwheat and beans. However, when purchasing chickpeas and chickpea flour, it is important to read the labels and choose chickpea flour produced under appropriate conditions without the risk of contamination. When shopping, be sure to buy chickpea flour that has the "gluten-free" label on it. The risk of cross-contamination should be considered.
How to Make Chickpea Flour?
Gluten-free Factory chickpea flour is obtained by grinding 100% chickpea flour. Cleaned chickpeas; It is ground and turned into flour by high capacity mills. Grinding process; It is applied until the flour turns into fine powder. 

Chickpea Flour Recipes
Chickpea flour is a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different recipes and is a great option for those who prefer a gluten-free diet. Delicacies made from chickpea flour attract attention as they are both nutritious and satisfying. Chickpea flour pancakes, one of the most popular recipes, can be consumed for breakfast and as a snack. In addition, chickpea flour bread, cakes, cookies and breads prepared with chickpea flour meet your sweet tooth and also offer a healthy alternative. It is also possible to prepare traditional Middle Eastern delicacies such as falafel with chickpea flour. With these recipes, you can express your creativity while making healthy and delicious meals.
Where is Chickpea Flour Sold?
Chickpea flour; Like many types of flour, it can be purchased from chain markets, online shopping sites and home delivery applications. You can also order chickpea flour safely from

Chickpea Flour Prices 
Flour prices may vary depending on the grain it is produced in and its grammage. Since chickpea flour is gluten-free, it must be produced under the right conditions and packaged meticulously without contact with gluten. Prices may vary depending on the brands and product quality in the market. 

Shop for Chickpea Flour Easily with Gluten-Free Factory!
One of the areas that we have the most difficulty in eating healthy is removing pastry foods from our lives. However, it is possible to create a healthy diet by replacing these foods with healthy alternatives instead of removing them from our lives. 
Start shopping now to meet Gluten Free Factory's healthy, gluten-free, vegan and additive-free products.
Gluten Free Raw Chickpea Flour 1 KG - 3 Package
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